Call Us Now: +27 (31) 564 7618
Mobile: +27 (82) 853 1345
Fax: +27 (86) 562 1984

What We Do - Supply Side

We buy your material and trade it on your behalf to ensure you have access to the best market pricing, giving you the economy of scale and returns that outstrip your size or link in the chain.

We utilize our network of global buyers to deliver maximum value back to our suppliers.

  • First prize is a South African recycler so that the materials are reused locally reducing carbon footprint to the maximum
  • However this is often not possible; capacities are limited and technologies often inadequate resulting in much useable material ending up in landfill and polluting the earth… Elsewhere in the world demand for material to feed the capacity of recycling plants often exceeds that.

Collectors and Waste Management Companies

For collectors and Waste Management Companies who collate recyclables we offer you the ease of trading through us to the national and international markets, taking the strain off you and paying up front. Through our diverse networks and the volumes we trade we are able to guarantee you excellent and sustainable material recovery value. We successfully work with you to enhance material quality from collections and MRF's to maximize material revenues as well as smooth on site operations.

Distribution Centre's or their Operators

For Retailers, Distribution Centre's or their operators who have high volumes of recyclables we provide guidance and advice on how to best coordinate your logistics and reduce the impact of your operation on the environment. Reduction of carbon foot print is achieved through our process. We have proven systems that maximize value return on potential resource to you.

Our service extends to project management, site operations design, operational process implementation, logistics training and coordination, site operations or subcontracting of site operations and training of staff, coordination of sustainability reporting, certification of recycling and destruction as well as financial cost centre management wholly or per store/ cost centre regionally and nationally.

We are proudly the first company in RSA to pioneer a successful world class backhaul system and have been successfully running it for over 5 years.

or Producers of Recyclables

For companies ‘producing’ recyclables such as manufacturers, we provide guidance and advice on how to best coordinate your logistics and reduce the impact of your operation on the environment. We trade your material on your behalf to maximize value to you.

In short we...
- Will add value to the corporate environmental
- Reduce the Carbon Footprint of commercial operations
- Provide a substantial initiatives towards environmental    policy
- Provide a centralised national or regional approach to recycling process and value recovery
- Remove risk of future punitive penalties for land fill. Develop sustainable full circle solutions that are sustainable and enhance your Environmental responsibility.

We All need to view all end of life products not as waste but as potential resource material that can be sorted and separated to enable reuse, recycling or value recovery instead of disposal.

What We Do – Demand Side

For buyers of material for recycling we offer access to significant volumes from South Africa and globally. We offer security and quality of material with stringent quality control and coordination of transport.

What Materials do we trade?

recycL Junction trade in most recyclable materials but are specialists in Plastics, particularly LLDPE.

We buy minimum quantities of 20 tonnes at a time in baled format.

The volume is key to the value recovery process and enables cost effective export or domestic processing of the materials.

Full list of materials currently traded would be:
– PP
– PP Strapping
– PP Bags
– PA
– PS
– PC
– K4, OCC, Fibre Grades
– Many other recyclable resources

Recycled items we sell back to retail

In many cases, especially in retail we aim to return their own recyclable material as new items for sale or use in their operations.

Cardboard returns as outer packaging for own label goods.

Plastic as bin bags, carrier bags or even household items.

Pet as clothing.

All options can be achieved as we can manage the sale of your material to relevant manufacturers allowing you to take more accountability for your own impact and allow consumers to feel good about their choices in your store.


We are members of the Waste Management Association of SA and uphold their philosophy of reduce, recycle and comply.

We are able to supply certification of recycling and destruction for all materials we handle.

We are BEE Level 1 certified and committed to building a better and brighter SA for all.

View Membership of Institute WM certificate